Wednesday 25 March 2020

Day 3 Lock down

Day 3 of lock down. Took my first e-support session with one class of L6 students this morning, just over half of them were awake and available, in order for me  to check their progress. I have issued them with study tasks and advice. They are studying the major political parties at present of the UK, and most of them seem to be getting on OK. I phoned over half of them using Microsoft Teams, voice only, and most were very clear. Off to read my paper now and have a bite to eat. This afternoon I cleaned some windows in the back of the house then had a nice lay in the sun for a while, then went for my afternoon walk. Soon I have to take the dog (Mac) the Vets for a check up. The evening will pretty much be similar to last night, and I dont drink through the week as a rule, so Wed is usually a non drink night.

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