Tuesday 24 March 2020

Day 2 of Corona Virus lockdown. Normally working in a 6th form college, so thrown out of routine. Got up about 8.30am which is roughly an hour and a half later than normal when a workday. Read the paper, the liberal Guardian, check my work email and respond accordingly. Drink some more coffee, and by midday take the dog for a walk nearby with my wife. Hardly anybody out but we see a few people and our paths don’t cross. Back for a soupy lunch, my fave is tomato. Then we watch some daytime TV, which I swore I would not do. Do a few minor jobs in the house and put my new water distiller on. Do some more College work by communicating with a few students via Microsoft Teams, then ready for a late afternoon snooze. Wake up at 6.00pm, for a spot of TM, followed by a brisk evening walk on my own as Wifey not up to it. Pass two single people and five kids on bikes! Get back and remember I have a blog that I haven’t used in years!! The time is 7.30pm, so soon to eat and then more telly, followed by a late night read. TBC...

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